Deus é português?

Após a retumbante vitória de ontem do Chelsea de Mourinho e companhia, apetece partilhar com os leitores do blog o texto que me chega lá da ilha:
Arsene Wenger, Alex Ferguson, and Jose Mourinho all perish in a plane crash
and went to meet their maker. The supreme deity turned to Wenger and asked,
tell what is important about yourself. Wenger responded that he felt that
the earth was the ultimate importance and that protecting the earth's
ecological system was most important. God looked to Wenger and said, " I
like the way you think, come and sit at my left hand".
God then asked Ferguson what he revered most. Ferguson responded that he
felt people and their personal choices were most important. God responded,
" I like the way you think, come and sit at my right hand".
God then turned to Mourinho, who was staring at him indignantly. God asked
"What is your problem Mourinho?" Mourinho responded " I think you are
sitting in my chair".


VFS disse…
A minha manhã ganhou outra cor. De tanto rir, fiquei tão vermelho que temi ter uma síncope. Fenomenal!!

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